Selected publications of CISS members
Maerker, M., Bosino, A., Scopesi, C. Giordani, P., G., Firpo, M., Rellini, I.(2020): Assessment of calanchi and rill-interrill erosion susceptibility in northern Liguria, Italy: A case study using a probabilistic modelling framework. Geoderma 371,114367,
Cama E., Schillaci C., Kropáček J., Hochschild V., Bosino A., Maerker M. (2020): A Probabilistic Assessment of Soil Erosion Susceptibility in a Head Catchment of the Jemma Basin, Ethiopian Highlands. Geosciences, 10(7), 248;
Bordoni, M., Vercesi, A., Maerker, M., Ganimede, C., Reguzzi, M.C., Capelli, E., Wei, X., Mazzoni, E., Simoni, S., Gagnarli, E., Meisina, C. (2019): Effects of vineyard soil management on the characteristics of soils and roots in the lower Oltrepò Apennines (Lombardy, Italy). Science of the Total Environment, 693, art. no. 133390. DOI:
Rellini, I., Scopesi, C., Olivari, S., Firpo, M., Maerker, M. (2019): Assessment of soil erosion risk in a typical mediterranean environment using a high resolution RUSLE approach (Portofino promontory, NW-Italy). Journal of Maps, 15 (2), pp. 356-362.
Wiśniewski, P. & M. Maerker (2018): The role of soil-protecting forests in reducing soil erosion in young glacial landscapes of Northern-Central Poland. Geoderma, 337, 1227–1235.
Becker R., Mekonnen G. & M. Märker (2018): Spatial Variability of Surface and Subsurface Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in the semi arid Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, Arizona, USA. Geoderma, 322, 112-120.
Chalov, S., Golosov, V., Tsyplenkov A., Theuring, P., Zakerinejad R., Märker M., Samokhin M. (2018): A Toolbox for sediment budget research in small catchments. Geography, Environment, Sustainability.
Schmaltz E., Rosner H.J., Rentschler T. & M. Märker (2017): Assessment of groundwater response and soil moisture fluctuations in the Mugello basin (Central Italy). GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY. 2017;10(2):15-27.
Schillaci, C., Lombardo, L., Saia, S., Fantappiè, M., Märker, M., & Acutis, M. (2017): Modelling the topsoil carbon stock of agricultural lands with the Stochastic Gradient Treeboost in a semi-arid Mediterranean region. Geoderma 286, 35–45.
Schillaci, C., Acutis, M. Lombardo, L., Lipani, A., Fantappiè, M., Märker, M., & Saia, S. (2017): Spatio-temporal topsoil organic carbon mapping of a semi-arid Mediterranean region: The role of land use, soil texture, topographic indices and the influence of remote sensing data to modelling. Science of the total Environment 601-602, 821–832.
Borrelli P., Panagos P., Märker M., Modugno S., Schütt B. (2017): Assessment of the impacts of clear-cutting on soil loss by water erosion in Italian forests: First comprehensive monitoring and modelling approach. Catena 149(3), 770–781.
Angileri, S.A., Conoscenti, C., Hochschild, V., Märker, M., Rotigliano, E., Agnesi, V. (2016): Water erosion susceptibility mapping by applying stochastic gradient treeboost to the Imera Meridionale River basin (Sicily, Italy), Geomorphology, 262, 61-76. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.03.018.
Vogel S., Märker M.,Rellini I.Hoelzmann P., Wulf S.,Robinson M., Steinhübel L.,Di Maio G., Imperatore C., Kastenmeier P., Liebmann L., Esposito D., Seiler F. (2016):From a stratigraphic sequence to a landscape evolution model: Late Pleistocene and Holocene volcanism, soil formation and land use in the shade of Mount Vesuvius (Italy) (Article) Quaternary International, 394, 155-179.
Bachofer F., Quénéhervé G., Hochschild V. & M. Märker (2015): Multisensoral Topsoil Mapping in the Semiarid Lake Manyara Region, Northern Tanzania. Remote Sensing 7(8), 9563-9586. ISSN: 20724292
Borrelli, P., Märker M. & B. Schütt (2015): Modelling Post-Tree-Harvesting soil erosion and sediment deposition potential in the Turano river basin (Italian central Apennine). Land Degradation and Development. 26 (4), 356-366.
Vogel, S. & Märker, M. (2014): Analysis of Post-Burial Soil Developments of Pre-AD 79 Roman Paleosols near Pompeii (Italy). Open Journal of Soil Science.
Märker, M., Pelacani, S. & B. Schröder (2011): A functional entity approach to predict soil erosion processes in a small Plio-Pleistocene Mediterranean catchment in Northern Chianti, Italy. GEOMORPHOLOGY, vol. 125 (4), pp. 530-540, ISSN:0169-555X
Grimm, R., Behrens, T., Märker, M., Elsenbeer, H. (2008): soil organic carbon concentrations and stocks on Barro Colorado Island – Digital Soil Mapping using Random Forest analysis. Geoderma, 146, (1-2), 10